One of the first responses after a break up is to attempt to fit the relationship or ‘go back to when you were happy together’. Unfortunately, this is usually not possible and is ill-advised as it can extend an unhealthy relationship leading to more hurt later on. It is important to develop and maintain proper coping skills and methods so you can move on from a break up in a healthy way for both of you, regardless of the surrounding circumstances. Here are some tips from us to you on how to move on.
Matchmaker's Blog

Dating Your In-Laws
The in-law relationship is one that is often fraught with controversy and misunderstanding, even with a great relationship and the best intentions, in-law issues can be a burden on any couple. Just like any family, you and your in-laws will argue and disagree but unlike your family, they might be less inclined to forgive and forget. Here are a few tips to make living with in-laws a little bit easier for everyone.

Recovering from a Bad Date
One of the best things about dating is that with 8 billion people in the world, you have almost limitless options for moving on from a bad date. Bad or uncomfortable dates are inevitable unfortunately even when both parties have the best intentions, lack of chemistry, differing viewpoints and lack of attraction can lead to what might feel like a waste of a date night. It’s important to remember that each failure is a learning experience and with that in mind, here are a few of our best tips for recovering after a bad date.